
Katharine Mckinnon*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationA companion to social geography
EditorsVincent J. Del Casino Jr, Mary E. Thomas, Paul Cloke, Ruth Panelli
Place of PublicationChichester, West Sussex
PublisherWiley-Blackwell, Wiley
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9781444395211
ISBN (Print)9781405189774
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2011


  • "hill tribes," highlanders - denigrated as primitives, denied same rights and opportunities granted to other members of Thai state
  • Designation of "Indigenous" - universalizing claims, indigenous identity, dimension of universality that gives it political clout.
  • Geographies of identification - social geographers, writing on matters of identity and identification
  • Idea of identification, capturing a particular aspect - subjects required to have identification papers
  • Identification - northern Thailand highland peoples, exclusion and discrimination - facing difficulties as indigenous peoples across the globe
  • Judith Butler, drawing on Foucault's intellectual tradition - subtle way in which human beings are identified
  • Power, different ways in - and through moments of identification, act of subjugation by the state or compliance by the citizen
  • Recognition, and what it takes to be the right kind of human being
  • Rising influence of feminism and poststructuralism in geography - cultural turn of the 1990s, shift to anti-essentialist perspectives
  • Thai city of Chiang Mai, mid-2007 - group of village leaders and NGO workers representing highland communities, workshop on "Indigenous Futures"

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