Identifying research priorities around psycho-cognitive and social factors for recovery from hip fractures: an international decision-making process

Mohammad Auais*, Simon D. French, Lauren Beaupre, Lora Giangregorio, Jay Magaziner

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    Hip fractures rank in the top ten disabling conditions worldwide. With an ageing population, this public health problem is expected to increase. Despite the success of surgery for hip fractures and the extensive health services utilisation, health outcomes are often poor. Considering the recovery process as multifactorial and intervening to address all relevant factors may improve recovery rates. However, we need first to fully understand the factors contributing to recovery after hip fractures, including psycho-cognitive and social factors. The purpose of this study was to identify future research priorities for understanding the role of psycho-cognitive and social factors in the recovery process for community-dwelling older adults after hip fracture and to survey world experts to confirm the identified priorities. Methods: This was a two-stage process. First, a workshop of international experts in hip fracture care (researchers and clinician-scientists) was held in 2016 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Using Nominal Group Technique accompanied by Multi-voting Technique, workshop attendees identified the most important future research areas for psycho-cognitive and social factors contributing to recovery after hip fractures. Second, an online survey of the International Fragility Fracture Network (FFN), which includes researchers and clinicians interested in fragility fractures, followed the meeting. The survey respondents reviewed and added to priorities from the first stage and then ranked the top priorities. Results: Twenty-three experts participated in the meeting (from five countries) and 152 participants (from 29 countries) responded to the survey. Top priorities for the psycho-cognitive domain were preventing and treating in-hospital delirium; comparing the effectiveness of targeted versus multifactorial interventions; studying interactions between psycho-cognitive, social, and environmental factors in the recovery process; and modifying the environment to enhance patients’ cognitive reserves. Top priorities for the social domain were understanding the role of social factors in the recovery process; understanding patients’ perspectives on important social factors; identifying components of social support relevant to recovery; understanding attitudes towards patients with hip fractures among all stakeholders; and understanding the social support needs for caregivers. Conclusion: A set of future research priorities to understand the role of psycho-cognitive and social factors has been developed and confirmed through a rigorous international decision-making process. These priorities offer valuable guidance for researchers, scientific bodies, and funding agencies.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1466-1472
    Number of pages7
    Issue number8
    Early online date20 Apr 2018
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


    • decision-making process
    • hip fracture
    • international study
    • older adults
    • psycho-cognitive
    • social factors
    • survey


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