I'll take care of you: the use of supportive work practices to retain older workers

Helene Mountford

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


While flexible work options are seen as the most important human resource management strategy for the retention of older workers, according to the employee literature a number of other strategies to improve working conditions are also influential. These include developing a supportive work environment; the recognition of skills and abilities; training opportunities leading to career progression; and being able to pass on knowledge to younger staff. These strategies together contribute to employee well-being at work, and are here generically called supportive work practices. This article reports on part of a qualitative study based on interviews with 20 aged care facility managers and 20 personal carers and finds that despite poor pay, physical work and a predominantly immigrant labour force, many of these human resource strategies are effectively utilised to retain older workers in residential aged care. Most of these practices, which reduce recruitment, training and sick leave costs, could also be effective in other industries.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)272-291
Number of pages20
JournalAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • aged care facilities
  • older workers
  • retention
  • supportive HR work practices


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