"In a state of flow": a qualitative examination of autistic adults' phenomenological experiences of task immersion

Hannah Rapaport, Hayley Clapham, Jon Adams, Wenn Lawson, Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, Elizabeth Pellicano*

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Background: There is considerable conceptual overlap between Autistic hyperfocus and flow, yet these phenomena have seldom been associated in the literature. Moreover, no studies have provided an in-depth empirical investigation of Autistic people's flow-like or hyperfocus experiences. In this study, we sought to address this gap by investigating Autistic people's phenomenological experiences of task immersion, and how their experiences relate to existing conceptualizations of flow, hyperfocus, and monotropism. Methods: To address this aim, we drew on data from a broader qualitative study, designed in partnership with Autistic community members, to understand Autistic people's experiences of Autistic inertia. For that broader study, Autistic and non-Autistic researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 24 Autistic adults about their everyday experiences of starting and stopping tasks. During these interviews, participants repeatedly discussed their experiences of task immersion and the benefits and challenges associated with it. We analyzed these responses specifically, using reflexive thematic analysis, adopting a combination of deductive and inductive approaches within an essentialist framework. Results: Our participants' accounts closely matched conceptual understandings of flow, Autistic hyperfocus, and monotropism. Specifically, the analysis revealed the all-encompassing nature of task immersion experiences, and how it could be difficult to "find the balance" between the joy and other aspects of everyday life. Despite the drawbacks, participants were glad to be immersed because they felt they could be themselves, with no pretences. Conclusions: These results are important for reframing task immersion as a state of great potential value to Autistic people's lives, but one that may require additional support if it is to play its role in enabling Autistic people to flourish.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)362-373
Number of pages12
JournalAutism in Adulthood
Issue number3
Early online date20 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024


  • attention
  • hyperfocus
  • monotropism
  • quality of life
  • well-being


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