Integration of MIVIS hyperspectral remotely sensed data and Geographical Information Systems to study ancient landscape: the Aquileia case study

Arianna Traviglia

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The research aims at the evaluation of the potentiality of the Hyperspectral MIVIS data for the identification of the possible unknown archaeological areas in the Communes of Aquileia, Terzo d'Aquileia, Fiumicello (UD).The possibility in fact to locate by spectral recognition unidentified archaeological sites is an interesting addition to the traditional survey method. A GIS, created on purpose for managing the archaeological thematic cartography, supports the interpretation and the contextualization of the remotely sensed images. The work has consisted of three phases: treatment of the images (Vegetation Indices, P.C.A., Soil Index), where the spectral informative content of the MIVIS images was used to give prominence to the presence of ancient buried sites and structures on the base of the different spectral characteristics of the terrains and of the vegetation; analysis of the archaeological issues, where a methodic collection of published data and of reference thematic cartography was realized, in order to build up an archaeological thematic map in digital format; finally, a phase of managing of the images in a total architecture (G.I.S.), where the archaeological information and the MIVIS images, processed and georeferenced, were inserted in a information system that provides and manages the data necessary to eventually recognize the surface anomalies as ancient origin traces.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)139-170
    Number of pages32
    JournalAgri Centuriati: an international journal of landscape archaeology
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • Aquileia (NE Italy)
    • Archaeological Remote Sensing
    • GIS
    • image processing


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