Intrusive metallogenic provinces in eastern Australia based on granite source and composition

Phillip L. Blevin*, Bruce W. Chappell, Charlotte M. Allen

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Ore element ratios in intrusion-related mineralisation are in part a function of the relative oxidation state and degree of fractionation of the associated granite suite. A continuum from Cu-Au through W to Mo dominated mineralisation related to progressively more fractionated, oxidised I-type magmas can be traced within single suites and supersuites. Such systematic relationships provide strong evidence for the magmatic source of ore elements in granite-related mineral deposits and for the production of the observed ore element ratios dominantly through magmatic processes. The distribution of mineralised intrusive suites can be used to define a series of igneous metallogenic provinces in eastern Australia. In general, there is a correlated evolution in the observed metallogeny (as modelled based on the compatibility of ore elements during fractionation) with increasing degree of chemical evolution of the associated magmatic suite. This is from Cu-Au associated with chemically relatively unevolved magmas, through to Sn and Mo-rich mineralisation associated with highly evolved magmas that had undergone fractional crystallisation. Provinces recognised in that way do not necessarily correlate with the tectonostratigraphic boundaries denned by the near-surface geology, indicating that the areal distribution of some granite source regions in the deep crust is unrelated to upper crustal geology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)281-290
Number of pages10
JournalSpecial Paper of the Geological Society of America
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes


  • Australia
  • Fractionation
  • Granites
  • Metallogenic provinces
  • Mineral deposits


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