Is the reincarnation of the trans pacific partnership on multilateral trade really necessary?

Patricia Blazey, Hope Ashiabor, Khorsed Zaman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The termination of the United States of America’s membership of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in January 2017 was predictable as this had been foreshadowed by President Trump before he was elected. This article considers the implications of this decision on America’s influence on trade in the Asia Pacific region and the effect this decision on Australia. China the world’s largest trading entity was not party to the TPP so the question of whether it will seek to foster the TPP by taking a leading role in the agreement is debated.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusIn preparation - 26 Jun 2017
EventCLE Law and Medical Conference Positano Italy - Italy, Positano, Italy
Duration: 24 Jun 20178 Jul 2017


ConferenceCLE Law and Medical Conference Positano Italy


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