Lattice-based completely non-malleable PKE in the standard model (poster)

Reza Sepahi*, Ron Steinfeld, Josef Pieprzyk

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution

2 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents ongoing work toward constructing efficient completely non-malleable public-key encryption scheme based on lattices in the standard (common reference string) model. An encryption scheme is completely non-malleable if it requires attackers to have negligible advantage, even if they are allowed to transform the public key under which the related message is encrypted. Ventre and Visconti proposed two inefficient constructions of completely non-malleable schemes, one in the common reference string model using non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and another using interactive encryption schemes. Recently, two efficient public-key encryption schemes have been proposed, both of them are based on pairing identity-based encryption.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInformation Security and Privacy - 16th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2011, Proceedings
EditorsUdaya Parampalli, Philip Hawkes
Place of PublicationHeidelberg
PublisherSpringer, Springer Nature
Number of pages5
Volume6812 LNCS
ISBN (Print)9783642224966
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event16th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2011 - Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Duration: 11 Jul 201113 Jul 2011

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume6812 LNCS
ISSN (Print)03029743
ISSN (Electronic)16113349


Other16th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2011
CityMelbourne, VIC


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