Leakage current and thermal effects

Sourabh Khandelwal, Pragya Kushwaha

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This chapter discusses two very important aspects of the device and their modeling in BSIMIMG: leakage currents and thermal effects. Leakage currents are undesirable with multiplesources and mechanisms causing them. Each leakage current source and its modeling in BSIMIMG model is described in different sub-sections of this chapter. The ambient temperature changes several key device parameters, in-turn affecting its terminal behavior. These parametervariations are modeled with ambient temperature as an input to the model. The modeling formulations and the associated model parameters are described in this chapter.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIndustry standard FDSOI compact model BSIM-IMG for IC design
EditorsChenming Hu, Sourabh Khandelwal, Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Thomas Mckay, Josef Watts, Juan Pablo Duarte, Pragya Kushwaha, Harshit Agarwal
Place of PublicationDuxford ; Cambridge, US ; Kidlington
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9780081024027
ISBN (Print)9780081024010
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameWoodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials


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