Learning effects on mental readiness for entrepreneurship in different cultural contexts

Anne Rienke Van Ewijk, Junjun Cheng, Frances Chang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractpeer-review


We assess how changes in different aspects of students’ mental readiness for entrepreneurship interact; in particular, by testing how changes in self- awareness and inspiration (as possible consequences of education) affect the change in entrepreneurial intentions. Using a multi-country, multi-institution sample (N=456), we find a positive and significant relation for both. From the control variables, we learn that students with low entrepreneurial intentions and high expectations of inspiration at the start of the course, are more likely to report higher entrepreneurial intentions afterwards. Furthermore, we use our multi-country sample to explore the influence of culture on the main variables. We find that pre-educational measures of self-awareness and entrepreneurial intentions and expectations of inspiration are significantly higher in cultures with low individualism and low uncertainty avoidance, while significantly lower in cultures with low power distance and low masculinity. Also, students from high individualistic cultures are more likely to find their self-awareness increased than other students, while students from cultures with a low power distance generally experience much lower entrepreneurial intentions after their course have finished. These results have multiple implications for researchers and practitioners interested in entrepreneurial intentions as impact indicator of education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAcademy of Management Proceedings
PublisherAcademy of Management
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


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