Les parlers du Créole et du Tonkinois dans "Sauvages et Civilisés" de Baudoux: authentiques ou stéréotypés?

Translated title of the contribution: The words of the Creole and the Tonkinese in "Savages and Civilized" of Baudoux: authentic or stereotyped?

Karin Speedy

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contributionpeer-review


The works of Georges Baudoux contain a curious mix of fact and stereotype. His short stories have been read as real historical and ethnographical accounts and his characters, real people according to O'Reilly, express themselves in a language peculiar to each ethnic group - the at times slangy French of the whites, "canaque" French, bichelamar etc. Not without talent, Baudoux succeeds in transcribing different accents, different ways of speaking, different languages and even manages to reproduce in some way the oral nature of Kanak languages. This work of "retranscription" thus gives a certain linguistic authenticity to the text. Nevertheless, as Hollyman points out, Baudoux's Kanak French is stereotypical. Baudoux reports what he hears in the New Caledonian bush but his observations sometimes seem deformed by his prejudices and his own representations. Is this the case for the other languages present in the work of Baudoux ? "Sauvages et Civilises", a short story in which we find all the stereotypes associated with Kanaks that have been around in the colony since the publication of the writings of Cook and d'Entrecasteaux, gives us the opportunity to analyse linguistically the speech of two "others": Socrates, the Reunion Creole living in a Kanak tribe and the Vietnamese cook working for the whites on board their yacht. While we notice a good number of authentic traits in these representations, we also see some stereotypes. What motivates Baudoux's representations? Where, indeed, can we situate the genesis of his representations?
Translated title of the contributionThe words of the Creole and the Tonkinese in "Savages and Civilized" of Baudoux: authentic or stereotyped?
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationStéréotypes et représentations en Océanie, Actes du 17è�me Colloque CORAIL
EditorsVéronique Fillol, Jacques Vernaudon
Place of PublicationNoumea
Number of pages18
ISBN (Print)2952090327
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventCoordination pour l'Océanie des recherches sur les arts, les idées et les littératures Colloque - Nouméa, New Caledonia
Duration: 1 Dec 20043 Dec 2004


ConferenceCoordination pour l'Océanie des recherches sur les arts, les idées et les littératures Colloque
CityNouméa, New Caledonia


  • Georges Baudoux
  • linguistic representations
  • New Caledonian speech
  • Reunion creole
  • Tây Bôy
  • stereotypes
  • Kanak French
  • hybridization
  • polyphony
  • New Caledonian history


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