Lingua Franca: The World According to James plays the music of Andrew Robson

Andrew Robson (Performer), James Greening (Performer), Steve Elphick (Composer), Toby Hall (Performer)

    Research output: Non-traditional research outputDigital or Visual products


    Lingua Franca features four of Australia’s finest improvising musicians with trombonist James Greening, alto saxophonist Andrew Robson, bassist Steve Elphick and drummer Toby Hall.

    James Greening and Andrew Robson’s musical partnership has flourished ever since they first played together in the bands of Jackie Orszaczky in the early 1990s. Jackie seems to have instilled in both James and Andrew his inimitable approach to groove, phrasing and freedom.

    “I have always found this band very inspiring to write for and the list of tunes has been steadily growing”, Andrew said. “James and I felt that a new album would be a great way to present the new material as it features the beautiful flexibility of his ensemble and presents my concept as both a saxophonist and composer.”

    This is the third CD from The World According to James. The group’s first two albums, No Job too Small and Way Back received rave reviews both in Australia and overseas. The group performed at the legendary Berlin Jazz Festival on the strength of their work, making them one of the only Australian groups to do so.

    “This CD is a celebration of the power of dialogue, music being a common language and its ability to join people's hearts and minds”, said James. “Interacting openly takes courage as it is risky and revealing of our inner self. For me, improvised music is a courageous dialogue shared in appreciation of mentors, colleagues, friends and students, who continually inspire the joy in our playing”.

    All compositions by Andrew Robson
    Performed by:
    James Greening - Trombone, Pocket Trumpet
    Andrew Robson - Alto Saxophone
    Steve Elphick - Double Bass
    Toby Hall - Drums
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherLamplight Records
    Media of outputCD
    Size54 mins
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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