Listening in Spatialized Noise – Sentences test (LISN-S)

Sharon Cameron (Designer), Harvey Dillon (Designer)

    Research output: Non-traditional research outputSoftware


    Spatial auditory information (LiSN-S) and speech-in-noise assessment (LiSN-S PGA ) tool.

    The benchmark in speech-in-noise testing
    LISN-S, with its four steps, assesses the ability of individuals with normal hearing to understand speech when there is noise coming from different directions.

    LISN-S PGA, with one step, tests the ability of individuals with hearing loss to understand speech in noise, and recommends the hearing technology that best suits their needs.

    Both tests LiSN-S and LiSN-S PGA are available on the same DVD.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMurten: Switzerland
    PublisherPhonak Communications AG
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • auditory processing disorders
    • diagnosis
    • spatial processing disorder


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