Looking for efficient solutions to optimize adherence to drug treatment: the clinical, health services research and economics perspectives

Jean-Pierre Grégoire, Robert Gross, Sophie Lauzier, Niteesh Choudry, Lisa Pont

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstractpeer-review

57 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Submitted on behalf of both the DUR/
HSR SIG and of the Adherence SIG. The global burden
of non-communicable and communicable diseases
requiring long-term care is rising and adherence to
treatment is a key element to improving health outcomes.
Health systems are often ill-equipped to optimize
patient adherence. A lot of attention has been
paid to the non-adherence problem over the last
30 years yet evidence-based efficient solutions are still
very few.

Objectives: This session will provide attendance with
an overview of some of the issues and potential solutions.
Those will be discussed from a clinical, a drug
utilization/health services research and an economics

Description: Jean-Pierre Grégoire will present nonadherence
as it fits in the prescribed drug utilization
process. It will serve to illustrate some of the issues.
Ex.: Are we forcing some patients to adhere to a nonappropriate
treatment? Are we putting pressure on
some non-adherent patients whose therapeutic condition
is otherwise well controlled? What about health
system barriers? Are there inequalities? Is there a ‘one
size fits all’ adherence-enhancing approach? Robert
Gross will provide the perspective of a physician treating
AIDS patients. Adherence to antiretroviral treatment
is part of his research interests. He recently
completed a trial demonstrating that an intervention,
Managed Problem Solving, (MAPS) using adherence
feedback and personalized solutions to barriers
resulted in both improved adherence and higher rates
of virologic suppression. Sophie Lauzier will provide
the perspective of a researcher specializing in the identification
of psychosocial determinants of adherence
and the development/assessment of psychosocial
adherence-enhancing interventions. Niteesh Choudhry
will provide the perspective of a physician and health
services researcher whose work focuses on health system
barriers, such as high cost and difficulties accessing
medications, that contribute to non-adherence and
how, based on these factors, interventions can be
designed to improve adherence. Lisa Pont, the DUR/
HSR SIG Chair, will make wrap-up comments.
Original languageEnglish
Article number426
Pages (from-to)209-209
Number of pages1
JournalPharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013
Externally publishedYes


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