Looking forward - looking back: changing social and economic conditions of Aboriginal people in rural NSW, 1965-2015

Richard Howitt, Claire Colyer, Janice Monk, David Crew, Stephanie Hull

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


In 1965, Janice Monk, a young Australian geographer studying in the USA, visited six New South Wales country towns - Cowra, Griffith, Deniliquin, Coffs Harbour, Coraki and Fingal. Her research explored the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal households in these towns. Nearly fifty years later, with Macquarie University geographer Richie Howitt and Aboriginal colleagues from Deniliquin, Griffith and Coffs Harbour, and support from the Australian Research Council, that data has been returned and reconsidered in the light of fifty years of policy efforts to deliver sustainable benefits to Aboriginal people in rural towns in NSW. This booklet reports key results for the communities and gives information on how to follow-up interest in the project and the Monk Archive.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, NSW
PublisherMacquarie University
ISBN (Print)9781741384406
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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