Making applied history work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    This presentation argues that people from the world of museums can aid the process of collaboration between historians, curators and their staff by encouraging awareness by all concerned of 5 main conceptual issues that need to be addressed. First, applied history for exhibitions and displays needs a big idea, or theme. Secondly, an exhibition needs artefacts or illustrations and the historian may well find that these are not always readily and easily available in the course of their everyday academic research. Thirdly, ‘iconic’ artefacts are needed – ones that symbolise something important and wider from the past. Fourthly, explanations need to be both clear but also to reflect the process of discovery. Last but not least, both sides need to recognise the skills of the other side if a synergy is to emerge – and it is precisely the nature of that synergy that museum studies lends itself to understanding.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMuseums Australia (NSW) Symposium 2011
    Subtitle of host publicationabstracts
    EditorsAndrew Simpson, Paul Bentley
    Place of PublicationNorth Ryde, N.S.W.
    PublisherMacquarie University Printery
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)9781741383737
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventNew Directions for NSW Museums : Place Space and Identify - North Ryde, N.S.W.
    Duration: 18 Apr 201119 Apr 2011


    ConferenceNew Directions for NSW Museums : Place Space and Identify
    CityNorth Ryde, N.S.W.


    • Museums Australia
    • Applied History
    • Art Gallery


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