Mass media promotion of family planning and the use of modern contraception in Ghana

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Fertility in Ghana has fallen sharply in recent years, with the rate of decline being one of the most rapid in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ghana's fertility decline has coincided with an increase in the percentage of women of reproductive age reporting exposure to family planning messages via the media, a rise in the education of women of reproductive age, and a decline in under five mortality. This paper presents a multilevel, multinomial analysis of the 1998 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data to investigate the effects of exposure to family planning messages on the type of method of contraception a woman uses. A multilevel logistic model is used to investigate the effects on fertility. The results show exposure to family planning messages via the radio and printed sources substantially increase use of modern contraception. Secondary-level education, urban residence, a large number of surviving children, and being aged 20-34 are other factors associated with increased use of modern contraception. However, exposure to family planning messages appears not have significant effects on fertility.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
JournalXXIV IUSSP General Conference : scientific programme
Publication statusPublished - 2001
EventInternational Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) General Conference (24th : 2001) - Salvador, Brazil
Duration: 18 Aug 200124 Aug 2001


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