Meigs' syndrome presenting as haemorrhagic pleural effusion

E. I. Agaba*, C. C. Ekwempu, S. O. Ugoya, G. O. Echejoh

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: The association of a benign ovarian tumor with ascites and hydrothorax that resolve after tumor resection, known as Meigs syndrome is a rare clinical entity. Rarer still is the haemorrhagic form of the syndrome. Objective: To describe a case of benign ovarian tumour associated with ascites and bloody pleural effusion. Methods: A thirty-seven year old woman was referred for the further management of a pleural effusion. A detailed clinical evaluation was carried out, including pleural fluid cytology, chest CT scan and laparatomy. Treatment included antituberculous therapy and finally ovariectomy. Results: The physical examination and a pelvic ultrasonographic scan revealed ascites in addition to a right sided ovarian mass. A chest CT-scan did not show any intrathoracic mass. Repeated pleural fluid cytology showed mesothelial cells but was negative for malignancy. An ovariectomy was performed and histological examination revealed a thecoma fibroma. The pleural effusion and ascites resolved spontaneously thus confirming the diagnosis of Meigs' syndrome. Conclusion: Meigs' syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis in female patients with hemorrhagic pleural effusion.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)253-255
    Number of pages3
    JournalWest African Journal of Medicine
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2007


    • Meigs' syndrome
    • Ovarietomy
    • Pleural effusion, haemorrhagic
    • Thecoma fibroma
    • Tuberculosis, misdiagnosis


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