Metabolic costs of larval settlement and metamorphosis in the coral Seriatopora caliendrum under ambient and elevated pCO2

Peter J. Edmunds*, Vivian R. Cumbo, Tung Yung Fan

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24 Citations (Scopus)


We tested the effects of pCO2 on Seriatopora caliendrum recruits over the first 5.3d of post-settlement existence. In March 2011, 11-20 larvae were settled in glass vials (3.2mL) and incubated at 24.0°C and ~250μmolquantam-2s-1 while supplied with seawater (at 1.4mLs-1) equilibrated with 51.6Pa pCO2 (ambient) or 86.4Pa pCO2. At 51.6Pa pCO2, mean respiration 7h post-settlement was 0.056±0.007nmolO2recruit-1min-1, but rose quickly to 0.095±0.007nmolO2recruit-1min-1 at 3.3d post-settlement, and thereafter declined to 0.075±0.002nmolO2recruit-1min-1 at 5.3d post-settlement (all±SE). Elevated pCO2 depressed respiration of recruits by 19% after 3.3d and 12% overall (i.e., integrated over 5.3d), and while it had no effect on corallite area, elevated pCO2 was associated with weaker adhesion to the glass settlement surface and lower protein biomass. The unique costs of settlement and metamorphosis for S. caliendrum over 5.3d are estimated to be 257mJrecruit-1 at 51.6Pa pCO2, which is less than the energy content of the larvae and recruits.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-38
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Publication statusPublished - May 2013
Externally publishedYes


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