A process and apparatus for growing a group (III) metal nitride film by remote plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition are described. The process comprises heating an object selected from the group consisting of a substrate and a substrate comprising a buffer layer in a growth chamber to a temperature in the range of from about 400°C to o about 750°C, producing active neutral nitrogen species in a nitrogen plasma remotely located from the growth chamber and transferring the active neutral nitrogen species to the growth chamber. A reaction mixture is formed in the growth chamber, the reaction mixture containing a species of a group (III) metal that is capable of reacting with the nitrogen species so as to form a group (III) metal nitride film and a film of group (III) s metal nitride is formed on the heated object under conditions whereby the film is suitable for device purposes. Also described is a group (III) metal nitride film which exhibits an oxygen concentration below 1.6 atomic%.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2006034540 |
IPC | C23C 16/34 2006.1,H01L 21/205 2006.1 |
Priority date | 1/07/05 |
Filing date | 27/09/05 |
Publication status | Submitted - 6 Apr 2006 |
Bibliographical note
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