Monads of oplax actions are skew monoidales

Ramón Abud Alcalá

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Szlachányi showed that bialgebroids can be characterised using skew monoidal categories. The characterisation reduces the amount of data, structure, and properties required to define them. Lack and Street provide a bicategorical account of that same fact; they characterise quantum categories in terms of skew monoidal structures internal to a monoidal bicategory. A quantum category is an opmonoidal monad on an enveloping monoidale R ⊗R in a monoidal bicategory. In a previous paper, we characterised opmonoidal arrows on enveloping monoidales as a simpler structure called oplax action. This is the second paper based on the author's PhD thesis. Here, motivated by the fact that opmonoidal monads are monads in the bicategory of monoidales, opmonoidal arrows, and opmonoidal cells; we prove that right skew monoidales are “monads of oplax actions”. To do so, we arrange oplax actions as the 1-simplices of a simplicial object in Cat. In nice cases this simplicial object is ought to be thought as a bicategory whose arrows are oplax actions, that is to say, it is weakly equivalent to a nerve of a bicategory. We define monads of oplax actions as simplicial maps out of the Catalan simplicial set and prove that these are in bijective correspondence with right skew monoidales whose unit has a right adjoint, no assumptions required on the ambient monoidal bicategory.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3778-3830
    Number of pages53
    JournalJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


    • Coalgebroid
    • Skew monoidale
    • Oplax action
    • Monoidal bicategory
    • Quantum category
    • Bialgebroid


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