Multi-scalar energy transitions in rural households: distributed photovoltaics as a circuit breaker to the energy poverty cycle in India

Prabhakar Yadav, Yuwan Malakar, Peter J. Davies

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    57 Citations (Scopus)


    A transformation in energy structures and governance models are required to meet the needs of communities living in rural and remote areas and particularly for those subject to energy and economic poverty. New models must be reflexive to global climate concerns, align with social, economic and environmental agendas of national, state, and local governments, and be compatible with embedded energy infrastructure. Decentralised solar solutions are a resilient technology which can support energy transformation to spatially, economically and socially disadvantaged communities yet the deployment of this technology is hamstrung by path dependencies including policy frameworks, business models and infrastructure. In this study, the multi-level perspective has been used to examine energy transformation within rural and remote communities in India through interviews with regime and niche level actors. We identify various barriers impeding successful deployment of decentralised solar PV including a disconnect between policy makers and implementers, poor coordination within and between actors, and limited institutional focus and competence. To support a successful transition to off-grid solar based regimes for rural and remote communities, participants suggested strong political determination, setting enabling policy frameworks, and implementing a collaborative ecosystem with businesses, system suppliers, financial intermediaries, distribution companies, civil society and end users.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-12
    Number of pages12
    JournalEnergy Research and Social Science
    Early online date5 Oct 2018
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


    • decentralized electrification
    • solar photovoltaic system
    • multi-level perspective
    • energy transition
    • enabling policies
    • rural communities


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