Nanocrystalline body-centred cubic beta-titanium alloy processed by high-pressure torsion

Wei Xu*, Xiaolin Wu, Roberto B. Figueiredo, Mihai Stoica, Mariana Calin, Jürgen Eckert, Terence G. Langdon, Kenong Xia

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Citations (Scopus)


Processing by high-pressure torsion at room temperature was employed to achieve a uniform nanostructure in a metastable Ti67.4Nb 24.6Zr5Sn3 bcc β alloy with grains of ∼20-60 nm after five turns. By comparison, there was an ultrafine grain structure after equal-channel angular pressing at 903 K. The majority of refined grains were identified as bcc β-titanium with the presence of a small fraction of orthorhombic α″ martensite. It is proposed that the pronounced grain refinement is facilitated by a stress-/straininduced β → α″ martensitic transformation. However, the presence of a large fraction of β phase in the high-pressure torsion processed samples is attributed to a reverse α″ -→ β martensitic transformation stimulated by the applied shear stress and the inhibition effect of the nanoscale grains on martensite formation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1662-1667
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Materials Research
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Beta-titanium alloys
  • Equal-channel angular pressing
  • High-pressure torsion
  • Martensitic transformation
  • Ultrafine/nanoscale microstructure


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