Non-English-speaking background accountants and professional communication

Stephen Moore, Anne Burns

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    A large proportion of students enrolled in accounting programs at Australian universities are from non-English-speaking backgrounds (NESB). Upon completing their accounting degrees many become permanent residents, with a view to practising in their chosen profession. However, despite being technically proficient in accounting skills, many NESB accountants are unable to secure employment in the accountancy profession due to perceived weaknesses in their communication skills. This article explores the issue of accountant–client interactions as professional communication, and uses the heuristic interactional model of context, proposed by Seedhouse and Richards (2007), to clarify differences between practising and trainee NESB accountants. Pedagogical implications for developing the necessary communication skills of NESB accountants are also explored.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)47-59
    Number of pages13
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2008

    Bibliographical note

    Publisher version archived with the permission of the Editor, Prospect, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia. This copy is available for individual, non-commercial use. Permission to reprint/republish this version for other uses must be obtained from the publisher.


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