Nondestructive compositional analysis of ceramics

Jaye McKenzie-Clark, John Magnussen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary/reference bookpeer-review


    Ancient pottery plays an important role in the investigation of past civilizations; it provides archaeologists with specific details of life in ancient times. Compositional analysis of the ceramic material can identify the manufacturing techniques employed by ancient potters, and pinpoint distribution patterns of ceramic goods throughout the ancient world. Nevertheless, this vital information usually comes at a considerable cost because most compositional analyses require the partial or total destruction of the ancient artifact, resulting in the loss of irreplaceable cultural heritage. A new technique employing dual energy computed tomography (DECT), developed at Macquarie University, Australia, provides comparable results to conventional analyses, but in stark contrast the DECT technique is totally nondestructive, thereby preserving cultural heritage for future generations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe encyclopedia of archaeological sciences
    EditorsSandra L. López Varela
    Place of PublicationMalden, MA
    PublisherWiley-Blackwell, Wiley
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Electronic)9781119188230
    ISBN (Print)9780470674611
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2018


    • dual energy computed tomography
    • ancient pottery
    • compositional techniques
    • nondestructive


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