Normes de présentation de recherche utilisant les protocoles à cas unique en interventions comportementales (SCRIBE-2016)

Translated title of the contribution: The single-case reporting guideline in behavioural interventions (SCRIBE)2016 statement

R. L. Tate*, M. Perdices, U. Rosenkoetter, W. Shadish, S. Vohra, D. H. Barlow, R. Horner, A. Kazdin, T. Kratochwill, S. McDonald, M. Sampson, L. Shamseer, L. Togher, R. Albin, C. Backman, J. Douglas, J. J. Evans, D. Gast, R. Manolov, G. MitchellL. Nickels, J. Nikles, T. Ownsworth, M. Rose, C. H. Schmid, B. Wilson

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    We developed a reporting guideline to provide authors with guidance about what should be reported when writing a paper for publication in a scientific journal using a particular type of research design: the single-case experimental design. This report describes the methods used to develop the single-case reporting guideline in behavioural interventions (SCRIBE) 2016. As a result of 2 online surveys and a 2-day meeting of experts, the SCRIBE 2016 checklist was developed, which is a set of 26 items that authors need to address when writing about single-case research. This article complements the more detailed SCRIBE 2016 explanation and elaboration article (Tate et al., 2016) that provides a rationale for each of the items and examples of adequate reporting from the literature. Both these resources will assist authors to prepare reports of single-case research with clarity, completeness, accuracy, and transparency. They will also provide journal reviewers and editors with a practical checklist against which such reports may be critically evaluated. We recommend that the SCRIBE 2016 is used by authors preparing manuscripts describing single-case research for publication, as well as journal reviewers and editors who are evaluating such manuscripts.

    Translated title of the contributionThe single-case reporting guideline in behavioural interventions (SCRIBE)2016 statement
    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)103-117
    Number of pages15
    JournalPratiques Psychologiques
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2019


    • single-case design
    • methodology
    • reporting guidelines
    • publication standards


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