Novel cell culture model

Rajdeep Chakraborty (Inventor), Fei Liu (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Disclosed are composition and method of 3D salivary gland – immune co-culture model that will be used for testing already approved FDA immunotherapy drugs, testing gene functionality, explore proteins responsible for diminishing anti-tumour reactivity of immune cells towards cancer cells, and testing new drugs. This novel single model can be used to conduct multiple assays at the same time. The model can be used to conduct immune activation via flow cytometry, imaging, proteomics, apoptosis assay, proliferation assay, and viability assay, leading towards 4D model construction, determine metabolic pathways (metabolites), acquiring transmigration live images and electron microscope images, and the model is expected to help perform single cell proteomics and RNA sequencing. This is world’s first 3D ACC immune co-culture model, with unique features like- ACC Primary site tumour cells (Short Tandem Repeat 100% matching to ACC), ACC primary cells exhibit dual cellularity (myoepithelial and epithelial), combined approach of collagens and extracellular matrix (specific to salivary gland cells) facilitated the invasive ACC cells to interact with immune cells, optimised salivary gland medium interacted with the extracellular matrix scaffold without affecting the viability of the ACC cells. This model can be used for both indirect and direct immune co-culturing. The complete formulation is predicted to support microfluidic pump system for cell culture
Original languageEnglish
Patent number2024901895
Priority date21/06/24
Filing date21/06/24
Publication statusSubmitted - 21 Jun 2024


  • Salivary gland tumours
  • 3d cell culture
  • Immunotherapy


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