Novel sensors for food inspections

Mohd Syaifudin Bin Abdul Rahman, Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay, Pak Lam Yu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Food poisoning is a general term used to describe illness from food-borne microorganism. The primary goals for this research work are to detect the natural toxin in seafood which is caused by domoic acid and also the pathogenic bacteria from Gram-Negative bacteria which produce endotoxin which is dangerous to human or animal. In order to protect consumers from food poisoning, most countries have a set of regulatory guidelines. All the products need to be tested for the toxin, which places a heavy workload on the laboratories and is extremely expensive to the industry. This has motivated us towards the development of a novel low cost sensing system for food inspections without much difficulty. The research objective of the work can be summarized as; to design and fabricate novel planar interdigital sensors to detect dangerous toxins produce by pathogenic bacteria (Endotoxic) and microscopic algae (Domoic Acid). To develop suitable substrate to enhance the sensor sensitivity for a particular Gram Negative bacteria (Endotoxic) and also for microscopic algae (Domoic Acid). To develop a smart low cost sensing system based the embedded controller to be available to wider community. To develop a comprehensive model for accurate prediction of infected food with dangerous toxins i.e. Endotoxins and Shellfish Toxins.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-40
Number of pages40
JournalSensors & transducers
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Food inspection
  • Natural toxin
  • Interdigital sensors
  • Domoic acid
  • Endotoxin


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