Opening real science: statistical literacy for pre-service primary teachers through flexible delivery

Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Carmel Coady, Joanne Mulligan, Vincent Geiger, Michael Cavanagh, Peter Petocz, Elizabeth Date-Huxtable

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution


    Opening Real Science (ORS) is an Australian Government funded project in which teacher educators, scientists, mathematicians, statisticians and ICT designers are collaborating to develop online modules for implementation in teacher education programs, aimed at building the competence and confidence teachers need to inspire their students. This paper documents the development of a Statistical Literacy module for Primary Teachers (SL-P). The project's approach focusses on real life applications of statistics that students are genuinely interested in, coupled with scaffolding applications of digital technologies. An enquiry-based model supports the design of learning activities, which include appropriate resources to support individual and peer learning. Trials of the module will provide feedback on the effectiveness of the SL-P module in terms of student engagement and development of statistical literacy. The outcomes of the study will provide direction for re-shaping teacher education programs and professional learning to include statistical literacy as a core component.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances in statistics education: developments, experiences and assessments. Proceedings of the Satellite conference of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)
    EditorsM. Alejandra Sorto
    Place of PublicationBrazil
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015
    EventIASE 2015 Satellite Conference: Advances in statistics education: developments, experiences, and assessments - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Duration: 22 Jul 201524 Jul 2015


    ConferenceIASE 2015 Satellite Conference
    CityRio de Janeiro
    Internet address


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