Technique for optimisation of electromagnetic component and sub-system designs based on a cross-entropy method (CEM); with applications in electromagnetic fields such as antenna design; includes evaluating a formulated fitness function for each design in an i-th candidate group of designs sampled from a distribution-of-designs; each design includes multiple design variables characterised by respective i-th probability-distributions represented by an i-th set of distributional -parameters; the formulated fitness function being evaluated based on electromagnetic performance criteria of the corresponding design in the i-th candidate group of designs; and determining an (i+1)-th set of distributional-parameters (representing (i+1)-th probability-distributions characterising the respective multiple design variables) being determined based on a reduction of cross-entropy between an empirical-distribution characterising a selected i-th elite group of designs from the i-th candidate group of designs based on the evaluated fitness function and the (i+1)-th probability-distributions. Each design may include multiple design variables including a discrete and a continuous variable.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2018032052 |
IPC | G06F 17/50 2006.01,G06F 17/10 2006.01,H04B 7/00 2006.01,H01Q 15/00 2006.01,G01S 17/00 2006.01 |
Priority date | 16/08/16 |
Publication status | Submitted - 22 Feb 2018 |
Bibliographical note
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