Pattern and Structure

Joanne Mulligan, Lyn English, Michael Mitchelmore

    Research output: Non-traditional research outputData set/Database


    Research indicates that the early mathematical development is dependent on children’s awareness of pattern and structure, and that an explicit emphasis on mathematical pattern and structure can both substantially improve the quality of children’s mathematics learning and increase their motivation. In this study, a Pattern and Structure Mathematical Awareness Program will be developed and tested in NSW and Queensland. In particular, the study will develop professional leaders as agents of change and validate improved early intervention strategies for children experiencing mathematical difficulties. The research will provide and innovative theoretical framework that reconceptualises the entire early mathematics curriculum. The collection includes videos of participants completing mathematical tasks, observation notes, the product of the child’s activity (scanned to PDF) and interview videos reflecting on previous work done by the child.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherMacquarie University
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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