Physical activity level and the perceived barriers to physical activity participation in children with osteogenesis imperfecta

T. Jones, I. Theophile, A. Price, C. Munns, V. Pacey

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    Aims: To quantify the level of physical activity performed by children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta and identify barriers to physical activity as perceived by children and their parents.
    Design: Observational Study
    Method: Fifty-four children aged 7-17 years, with a confirmed diagnosis of mild, moderate or severe Osteogenesis Imperfecta were recruited for this study. The Actigraph GT3XE was used to record average daily moderate-vigorous physical activity, and the ActivPAL3 was used to record average daily time spent sitting, standing, stepping and average daily step count. Child and parent specific questionnaires examined barriers to physical activity.
    Results: Wear time eligibility for the Actigraph GT3XE and ActivPAL3 was achieved in 28 and 32 children respectively. Only 46% of participants met the current guidelines of 60 minutes/day of moderate-vigorous physical activity, and 25% of participants achieved the recommended average for children of a minimum of 12,000 steps/day. Health professional recommendations to restrict physical activity was the most frequently child-reported barrier (73%), and the second most frequently parent-reported barrier (70%).The most frequently parent-reported barrier was that physical activity will cause their child pain (76%). There was no association between overall frequency of barriers reported and physical activity.
    Conclusions/Key Practice Points: This is the largest study examining physical activity in children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, with most children not reaching national guidelines. Health professional recommendation to restrict physical activity is perceived as a significant barrier to physical activity participation. Facilitation of safe physical activity for children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, while continuing to minimise fracture risk, warrants further consideration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017
    EventAustralian Physiotherapy Association Conference Momentum 2017 - Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
    Duration: 19 Oct 201721 Oct 2017


    ConferenceAustralian Physiotherapy Association Conference Momentum 2017


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