Physiological and behavioural indicators of social organisation in Notomys alexis

Nansi Richards, Darren Burke

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    The observed behaviour of Notomy alexis (Spinifex hopping mice) fits poorly into predictive models of mammalian social organization and breeding systems when these models are based on aspects of general and reproductive morphology. A number of peculiarities in their reproductive physiology are indicative of on-gregarious lifestyles and monogamy. In particular, relative to body size, males of the species have testis mass and volume an order of magnitude smaller than most other mammals. In captivity, however, Notomys alexis demonstrate polyandry - a mating system that tends to result in sperm competition.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventAustralian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference (33rd : 2006) - Sydney
    Duration: 20 Apr 200623 Apr 2006


    ConferenceAustralian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference (33rd : 2006)


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