The present invention relates to a nucleic acid molecule for forming a promoter for regulating transcription of a gene in a plant in anoxic conditions including one or more nucleotide sequences as shown in SEQ. ID Nos. 1 - 14 wherein each of the sequences are spaced apart from each other to define regions for forming regulatory elements for interacting with a transcription factor. Also encompassed by the present invention are uses of this nucleic acid molecule for producing an expression product in a plant in anoxic conditions and/or producing a plant that is tolerant in anoxic conditions.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2011020163 |
IPC | C12N 15/ 82 A I,C12N 15/113,C07K 14/415,A01H 5/00,C12N 5/14 |
Priority date | 21/08/09 |
Filing date | 23/08/10 |
Publication status | Submitted - 24 Feb 2011 |
Bibliographical note
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