Positioning strategic priorities: resource curriculum mapping of collections and source-based learning pilot

Gina Hammond, Andrew Simpson, Jane Thogersen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


This paper focuses on the initial stages of a pilot project which seeks to support and develop object-based learning within the university curriculum across Macquarie University. It is the first multi-site museum project to receive funding at this university, because of expected value anticipated by the removal of potential barriers between the learning/teaching community and university collections.

This project is made feasible by the potential convergence brought about by the implementation of a university-wide collection database, literary sources, archives, and appropriate technical advances. The initial task involved a qualitative review of units on campus (including unit guides, assessment tasks, online content, lecture, and tutorial topics) to create a shortlist, spanning five faculties. The aim is to achieve high-impact benefits from the integration of objects in the Australian History and Ancient Cultures museum collections. This process has informed the development of a focused short list.

While results are still unfolding, the development of collection-sharing pathways (utilising existing technologies) is informing the prioritisation of items for digitisation and sharing. Targeted workshops with short-listed units are being designed to assist with practical approaches and implementation strategies to ensure long-term sustainability. The research team are actively seeking discussions with other institutions involved in similar initiatives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jun 2018
EventUniverseum 2018: Working Together: Partnerships, Co-creation, Co-curation - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 13 Jun 201815 Jun 2018


ConferenceUniverseum 2018
Abbreviated titleUniverseum 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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