Presence of an intralithospheric discontinuity in the central and western North China Craton: implications for destruction of the craton

Ling Chen, Mingming Jiang, Jinhui Yang, Zigen Wei, Chuanzhou Liu, Yuan Ling

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163 Citations (Scopus)


Detailed knowledge of lithospheric structure is essential for understanding the long-term evolution and dynamics of continents. We present an image of lithospheric structure across the central and western North China Craton (NCC), derived using S and P receiver functions from a dense seismic array. A negative velocity discontinuity is identifi ed at ~80-100 km depth within the thick lithosphere (~160-200 km), similar to that observed in many other cratonic regions and roughly at the same depth as the base of the lithosphere in the eastern NCC. The intralithospheric discontinuity may indicate an ancient, mechanically weak layer within the overall strong cratonic lithosphere, and probably also existed beneath the eastern NCC before the Mesozoic. The presence of such a weak layer could have facilitated simultaneous lithospheric modifi cation at the base and the middle of the lithosphere in the eastern NCC, especially under the strong infl uence of the Mesozoic Pacifi c subduction, leading to the severe lithospheric thinning and destruction recorded in this region. The weak layer probably did not strongly affect the stability and evolution of the central and western NCC and other cratonic regions where effects from plate boundary processes were weak. Our seismic images, integrated with geological data, provide new insights into structural heterogeneities in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and their roles in the dynamic evolution of continents.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-226
Number of pages4
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014
Externally publishedYes


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