Process for synthesizing epicocconone analogs

Xavier Franck (Inventor), Philippe A. Peixoto (Inventor), Peter Karuso (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The present invention relates to a process for the total synthesis of epicocconone analogs of formula (I): The invention also relates to novel epicocconone analogs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2011051225
    IPCC07D 307/58 2006.01,C07D 311/76 2006.01,C07D 493/04 2006.01,C09B 57/00 2006.01,G01N 33/58 2006.01,G01N 33/68 2006.01
    Priority date26/10/09
    Filing date25/10/10
    Publication statusSubmitted - 5 May 2011

    Bibliographical note

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