Quantum non-locality using tripartite entanglement with non-orthogonal states

J. V. Corbett, D. Home

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contributionpeer-review


    A system of three particles in an entangled state is used to display a non-Bell type of quantum non-locality. The measured values of particle 1 are changed by changing the state of particle 3 even though the preparation of 3 and the measurement of 1 occur at spatially separated locations and the particles never interact. The third particle, particle 2, has non-orthogonal states which do not change during the process. Therefore the effect cannot be explained in terms of a classical intervention mediated by particle 2.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 8th International Symposium (ISQM - Tokyo '05)
    Subtitle of host publicationFoundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology
    EditorsSachio Ishioka, Kazuo Fujikawa
    Place of PublicationSingapore
    PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Print)9812568581, 9789812568588
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    Event8th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, ISQM-Tokyo 2005 - Hatoyama, Saitama, Japan
    Duration: 22 Aug 200525 Aug 2005


    Other8th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology, ISQM-Tokyo 2005
    CityHatoyama, Saitama


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