Revised classification and terminology of Palaeozoic stromatoporoids

Colin W. Stearn*, Barry D. Webby, Heldur Nestor, Carl W. Stock

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    79 Citations (Scopus)


    Palaeozoic stromatoporoids comprise an extinct class of non-spiculate poriferans that are represented as fossils by their basal carbonate skeleton. A revised terminology for the description of these fossils is presented. Seven orders (Labechiida, Clathrodictyida, Actinostromatida, Stromatoporellida, Stromatoporida, Syringostromatida, Amphiporida) are recognized. The following is recorded for each genus: (1) type species, catalogue number and depository of the primary holotype; (2) synonyms and their type species; (3) diagnosis; (4) stratigraphic range; (5) estimate of the number of species assigned to the genus; (6) stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the genus. Problems in the definition and recognition of the genus are briefly discussed in annotations. One hundred and nine genera are considered valid, or doubtfully valid. Fifty three genera are placed in synonymy. An additional 14 genera are considered to be of uncertain placement in the classification.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-70
    Number of pages70
    JournalActa Palaeontologica Polonica
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 1999


    • Distribution
    • Morphologic terminology
    • Palaeozoic
    • Porifera
    • Stromatoporoids
    • Taxonomy


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