Scattering in multilayered structures: diffraction from a nanohole

Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton*, Nora Tischler, Gabriel Molina-Terriza

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    The spectral expansion of the Green's tensor for a planar multilayered structure allows us to semianalytically obtain the angular spectrum representation of the field scattered by an arbitrary dielectric perturbation present in the structure. In this paper we present a method to find the expansion coefficients of the scattered field, given that the electric field inside the perturbation is available. The method uses a complete set of orthogonal vector wave functions to solve the structure's vector wave equation. In the two semi-infinite bottom and top media, those vector wave functions coincide with the plane-wave basis vectors, including both propagating and evanescent components. The technique is used to obtain the complete angular spectrum of the field scattered by a nanohole in a metallic film under Gaussian illumination. We also show how the obtained formalism can easily be extended to spherically and cylindrically multilayered media. In those cases, the expansion coefficients would multiply the spherical and cylindrical vector wave functions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number053821
    Pages (from-to)1-8
    Number of pages8
    JournalPhysical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2011

    Bibliographical note

    Fernandez-Corbaton, I., Tischler, N. & Molina-Terriza. Physical review A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, 84(5), 053821, 2011. Copyright 2011 by the American Physical Society. The original article can be found at


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