A single longitudinal mode ring Raman laser including: a pump source outputting a pump light power, resonantly coupled to a first ring resonator; a optical measurement and piezo-actuator for stabilising the resonant coupling of the pump light power to a first ring resonator; a first ring resonator including a Raman gain medium, wherein the Raman gain medium receives the pump light power and undergoes Raman lasing generating resonated Stokes power at the corresponding Stokes output wavelength; the first ring resonator acting as a feedback loop for the pump light power and the resonated Stokes power and outputting a portion of the Stokes power as the laser output.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2018126293 |
IPC | H01S 3/30 2006.01,H01S 3/06 2006.01,H01S 3/081 2006.01,H01S 3/083 2006.01,H01S 3/086 2006.01,H01S 3/091 2006.01 |
Priority date | 6/01/17 |
Filing date | 22/12/17 |
Publication status | Submitted - 12 Jul 2018 |
Bibliographical note
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