Sklaven und Freigelassene in Pompeji und ihre soziale Mobilität

Translated title of the contribution: Slaves and freedmen in Pompeii and their social mobility

Alexander Weiss

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


    An catalogue essay of an exhibiton held at The State Museum of Prehistory, Halle from December 9th, 2011 to August 26th, 2012. It appears in H. Meller/J.-A. Dickmann (edd.), Pompeji - Nola - Herculaneum: Katastrophen am Vesuv.
    Translated title of the contributionSlaves and freedmen in Pompeii and their social mobility
    Original languageGerman
    Title of host publicationPompeji - Nola - Herculaneum
    Subtitle of host publicationKatastrophen am Vesuv
    EditorsHarald Meller, Jens-Arne Dickmann
    PublisherHirmer Verlag GmbH
    Number of pages5
    ISBN (Print)9783777438016
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventPompeji - Nola - Herculaneum : disasters at Mount Vesuvius - Halle
    Duration: 9 Dec 201126 Aug 2012


    ConferencePompeji - Nola - Herculaneum : disasters at Mount Vesuvius


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