Spinal subdural hematoma revealing hemophilia A in a child: a case report

Behzad Eftekhar, Mohammad Ghodsi, Ebrahim Ketabchi, Abbas Bakhtiari, Pardis Mostajabi

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11 Citations (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: Intraspinal bleeding especially in the form of subdural hematoma is rare in hemophiliacs. In the present case, we report a neglected hemophilic A child with such a problem and discuss its management options. CASE PRESENTATION: A 9-year old hemophilic A boy presented with quadriparesis, confusion and meningismus after a fall 4 days previously. There was no sign of direct trauma to his back. His CT Scan and MRI showed spinal extramedullary hematoma extended from C5 to L2. We corrected the factor VIII level, but two days later, the patient's lower limbs weakened to 1/5 proximally as well as distally. We performed a laminectomy from T11 to L2, according to the level of the maximal neurological deficit and recent deterioration course. The subdural hematoma was evacuated. The hematoma in other spinal levels was managed conservatively. In the week following the operation, the patient's neurological status approached normal. CONCLUSION: This case calls attention to the clinical manifestation, radiological features and management options of the rarely reported intraspinal hematoma in hemophilic children. Although this case has been managed operatively for its hematoma in the thoracolumbar region, at the same time it can be considered a successful case of conservative management of intraspinal hematoma in the cervicothoracic region. Both conservative and surgical management could be an option in managing these patients considering their neurological course.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-4
Number of pages4
JournalBMC blood disorders
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Journal Article


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