Supporting collaboration with trust virtual organization

Aizhong Lin, Erik Vullings, James Dalziel

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This chapter introduces the trust virtual organization as a means of facilitating authentication and authorization for sharing distributed and protected contents and services. It indicates that sharing institutional protected services and deliverables has proven a hurdle since user accounts are created in many sites. It provides an approach to solving this problem using virtual organizations with cross-institutional Single Sign On, with which users use their existing institutional accounts to login. This chapter also presents the challenges of building trust virtual organizations: managing users from distributed identity providers; managing services from distributed services providers; managing trust relationships between users and services, and authorizing the access privileges to users based on the trust relationships. It argues that the trust virtual organization increase the effectiveness of e-learning, e-research and e-business significantly. Furthermore, the authors hope that the trust virtual organization facilitates not only Web-based authentication and authorization, but also grid-based authentication and authorization.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHandbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of business practices
    EditorsPavel Zemliansky, Kirt St. Amant
    Place of PublicationHershey, PA
    PublisherInformation Science Reference
    ISBN (Print)9781599048932
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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