Sydney's early Greeks

Leonard Janiszewski, Effy Alexakis

    Research output: Contribution to Newspaper/Magazine/WebsiteArticle


    The earliest Greek's to arrive in Sydney did so on convict ships. Later, gold attracted the first real wave of Greek migration, but it wasn't until the era of oyster saloons and soda bars that the city's Greek presence became conspicuous. This article provides a detailed investigation into the historical migration and settlement of Hellenes into the NSW capital from the 1810s through to the 1940s.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages5
    Specialist publicationMetropolis: Hellenic Culture and Lifestyle
    PublisherMetroMedia Pty Ltd
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 1999


    • Australian history
    • Greek-Australian history
    • migration and settlement studies
    • Sydney history


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