The invention describes a one pot process for synthesizing a compound of structure (I), or a tautomer thereof. A compound of structure (II), or a tautomer thereof, and an aldehyde of structure RdCHO are condensed to form a condensation product. The resulting condensation product is then oxidized in the same reaction mixture to produce the compound of structure (I) or a tautomer thereof.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2009152584 |
IPC | A61P 43/ 00 A I,C07D 471/04 2006.01,A61K 31/437 2006.01,A61P 35/00 2006.01,A61P 27/00 2006.01 |
Priority date | 20/06/08 |
Filing date | 19/06/09 |
Publication status | Submitted - 23 Dec 2009 |
Bibliographical note
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