System and method for for obtaining auditory evoked potentials from apical portions of the cochlea are described. The system comprises: a computing device configured to: generate an auditory stimulation signal having a characteristic frequency (cf) in the frequency range of the apical region, the auditory stimulation signal comprising a one-period sinusoidal signal having a duration in the region of 1/cf seconds, transmit the generated auditory stimulation signal at an average rate of cf to an audio output device in communication with a subject; receive overlapping auditory evoked responses from one or more electrodes connected to the subject, the auditory evoked responses generated by the subject in response to the auditory stimulation signal; deconvolve the received overlapping auditory evoked responses to create a disentangled record of the responses.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2020000028 |
IPC | A61B 5/0484 2006.01,A61B 5/12 2006.01,A61B 5/0478 2006.01,A61B 5/04 2006.01,G06F 17/16 2006.01 |
Priority date | 25/06/18 |
Filing date | 24/06/19 |
Publication status | Submitted - 2 Jan 2020 |
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