Teaching strategies - 7. Professional developpment through reflective practice projects

Research output: Other contribution


These information sheets have been developed by the AMEP Research Centre to provide AMEP teachers with specific information on issues and strategies currently affecting their students. The provide background information as well as identifying some annotated reference that can be used to broaden knowledge and extend understanding. These references can be obtained through the AMEP Resource Centre at [email protected]

The AMEP information sheets have been funded by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs through the Special Projects Research Program, and have been informed by the Australian-based research that the program has funded. These AMEP Information sheets can be accessed through the Professional Connections website: http://www.nceltr.mq.edu.au/pdamep
Original languageEnglish
TypeAMEP information sheet
PublisherAMEP Resource Centre
Number of pages6
Place of PublicationSydney
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006
Externally publishedYes


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