The influence of brand associations on brand preference and purchase intention: an Asian perspective on brand associations

Aron O’Cass, Kenny Lim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

72 Citations (Scopus)


This study examines the preferences and purchase intentions of young South-east Asian consumers. Specifically, the study focuses on the non-product brand associations proposed by Keller (1998) and tests their effects on brand preference rating and purchase intentions toward different brands of fashion apparel. Data were gathered in Singapore via a self-administered survey and the results indicate differential effects of brand associations such as price perceptions, brand personality, brand-elicited feelings, self-image and brand-user-image congruency on consumer brand preferences and purchase intentions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-71
Number of pages31
JournalJournal of International Consumer Marketing
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • brand association
  • brand personality
  • branding
  • consumer behavior
  • country of origin
  • feelings and price perceptions


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