The Internationalisation process of small immigrant enterprise

Mike Mustafa

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract


Purpose: This study seeks to explore which internationalisation mode small immigrant enterprises use during their initial and continued internationalisation. Originality: Existing research regarding the internationalisation of immigrant enterprise has tended to focus on the role of networks in influencing foreign opportunity identification, market selection and market entry mechanisms. Scant attention has been devoted to the pattern of internationalisation behaviours such as continued internationalisation mode changes among internationalising immigrant enterprises. Key literature / theoretical perspective: In addition to the traditional network and class resources perspective of immigrant internationalisation, we argue that the knowledge-based internationalisation process theory can contribute useful insights into the process of immigrant enterprise initial and continued internationalisation. Design/methodology/approach: As we are interested in investigating a context-specific phenomena a multiple case study approach was deemed appropriate. Data was collected through a series of 20 face-to-face interviews with firm’s founders and key managers as well as through observations and where possible company records. Findings: Cross-case analysis of the data identified three board patterns of internationalisation behaviour among the small immigrant enterprises. Differences among the three patterns of internationalisation behaviour was attributed to network characteristics of the case firms and the extent of familial values and considerations incorporated into internationalisation related decisions by key managers. Such findings provide new insights in to Crick, Chaudhry and Batstone’s (2001) earlier suggestion that small immigrant enterprises tend to adopt incremental approaches to internationalisation and the dark-side of networks and how they influence continued internationalisation modes. Research limitations/implications: A limitation of our study is the overall generalizbility of our results due to the methodology adopted. Furthermore, our findings also have practical implications for public policy makers who wish to promote immigrant enterprise development.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-59
Number of pages2
JournalExpo 2010 Higher Degree Research : book of abstracts
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventHigher Degree Research Expo (6th : 2010) - Sydney
Duration: 19 Nov 201019 Nov 2010


  • immigrant entrepreneurship
  • internationalisation
  • international entrepreneurship


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